Eating Each Other Articles in the Mining Regulations for Religious Mass Organizations

BETAHITA.ID – The government issued a regulation regarding the priority granting of special mining business permits (IUPK) to religious organizations…

Criticizing Mining Business Permits for Religious Organizations, PWYP: Violates the Mineral and Coal Law

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – Publish What You Pay (PWYP) researcher Aryanto Nugroho criticized Government Regulation (PP) Number 25 of 2024 which the…

Electricity Contracts Disclosure for Environmental Sustainability

Jakarta – The Indonesian Centre for Environmental Law (ICEL) and Publish What You Pay (PWYP), as members of Open Government Indonesia, collaborated…

Questioning Transparency and Public Participation in the Implementation of a Just Energy Transition in Indonesia

Released for May 29, 2024 and afterward Jakarta – To increase national and global commitment in the openness of government through the implementation…

Mining Permit Concerns for Mass Organizations

The government's plan to grant mining permits to mass organizations continues to be criticized. Considered breaking the law. The Indonesian Mining…

Open letter calling for the immediate release of Dr. Gubad Ibadoghlu

We, the UNCAC Coalition and the 240 undersigned organizations and individuals from 88 countries across the globe, are deeply concerned about the…

What is Women’s Role in Energy Transition?

Women are the main providers of energy needs in the household. Women are also the searchers of alternative energy sources, when energy shortages…

44 Timber Plantation Companies Do Not Report Their Beneficial Owners

BETAHITA.ID - As many as 44 legal entities holding concessions for pulpwood plantations are known to refrain from reporting their beneficial owners.…

Civil Society Coalition for Transparency in Indonesian Government

The Indonesian government has made significant progress in terms of participation and transparency, such as involving civil society in policy-making…

Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidates Were Asked To Uphold Openness In The First 100 Days

BETAHITA.ID - A total of 18 Civil Society Organizations urged the presidential and vice presidential candidates for the 2024 elections to include the…