Climate change has become a global crisis. The UN Secretary-General said the world has entered an era of global boiling. The impact of the climate crisis has even been genuine to the people of Indonesia.

Call it the increasing frequency and intensity of floods, typhoons, storms, high waves, droughts, and other extreme weather. Including the worsening of forest and land fires that burned 1 million ha of land in 2023, crop failure, the spread of new diseases and pandemics, and damage to coral reefs and marine ecosystems. Until the loss of islands and regions in Indonesia.

As an archipelago in the tropics, Indonesia’s vulnerability to the impacts of the climate crisis is the 3rd highest in the world. If the climate crisis worsens, Indonesia’s economy (GDP) will decline by 7% by 2100.

The world needs immediate climate action to avoid the danger of climate crisis. Therefore, during COP28 from November 30 to December 12, Indonesian civil society, in an official statement on Saturday (2/12), called on the Indonesian government and the world to issue a firm political commitment and mandate to increase climate action equitably.

Here are 7 things that must be the output of COP28:

  1. Assistance for countries and communities that are most affected and have the lowest capacity to respond to the climate crisis.
  2. Strengthen climate commitments in line with the results of the Global Stocktake.
  3. Adopt a global target for phasing out all fossil fuels.
  4. Adopt a global target to halt the destruction and restore all natural ecosystems, including forests, coasts, mangroves, and oceans, by 2030.
  5. Radical systemic changes in food production, energy, forest and land use, and development.
  6. Recognition of the role and rights of indigenous and local communities and local solutions to climate change.
  7. Recognize the failure of rich countries’ leadership in preventing the destruction of the earth.

A call to arms for the Delegation of the Republic of Indonesia:

  1. Back to the field.
  2. Follow up and incorporate GST evaluation considerations to strengthen the ambition of Indonesia’s Second NDC by the 1.5C pathway with more transparent, accountable, inclusive, and participatory implementation.
  3. Align all development plans, policies, and projects with efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and increase climate resilience equitably, as well as fundamental corrections to high-carbon economic systems and models.
  4. Adaptation and mitigation should be done together. Still, always together so that mitigation actions do not reduce adaptive capacity, and adaptation actions can contribute to emission reductions with a balanced allocation of funding resources.
  5. Implement an equitable and inclusive energy transition, from policies that support upstream to downstream ecosystems, financing, technological breakthroughs, human resource development, participation, enabling conditions, and resource access, and support energy transition efforts determined at the local and community levels.
  6. Protect and restore natural ecosystems not limited to forests, peat, coastal and marine ecosystems. Protect and restore natural ecosystems, not just forests, peat, coastal, and marine ecosystems, but also their rich biodiversity by stopping land use change that reduces communities’ capacity to adapt, triggers rapid animal extinction, and is incompatible with efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
  7. Prepare and anticipate climate disasters that will become more frequent by encouraging locally-led and contextually appropriate adaptation. And prepare a loss and damage fund distribution mechanism that can reach the local level.
  8. Recognize and protect the rights of indigenous peoples, farmers, and local communities, including land rights and the rights of vulnerable groups, as a precondition for effective adaptation and mitigation actions.
  9. Protect the rights of all citizens through human rights due diligence in mitigation and adaptation activities.
  10. Stop all threats and intimidation to every citizen seeking to obtain the right to a clean and healthy environment for present and future generations.
  11. Divert funding flows from emission-intensive sectors to sectors that focus on environmental recovery and restoration.
  12. The new government must be more assertive in anticipating the risks of climate disasters and develop a more ambitious and measurable climate action plan by 2030.
  13. Ensure that any proposed solutions have a tangible impact on reducing emissions and containing rising temperatures.

This call is supported by 19 Indonesian civil society organizations, namely:

  1. Auriga Nusantara Foundation
  2. HuMa Association
  3. Humanist and Social Innovation Foundation
  4. MADANI Berkelanjutan Foundation
  5. Perkumpulan Mandala Katalika Indonesia (Manka)
  6. Yayasan Penguatan Lingkar Belajar Komunitas Lokal (PIKUL)
  7. Institute for Essential Services Reform (IESR)
  8. EcoNusa Foundation
  9. Partnership for Governance Reform
  10. Intsia in Tanah Papua Foundation
  11. Transformasi untuk Keadilan Indonesia (TuK INDONESIA)
  12. Publish What You Pay (PWYP) Indonesia
  13. Forest Watch Indonesia (FWI)
  14. Yayasan Pusaka Bentala Rakyat
  15. Working Group ICCAs Indonesia
  16. Trend Asia
  17. WALHI National
  18. Indonesian Traditional Fishermen’s Union (KNTI)
  19. Koaksi Indonesia

Source: Katadata
