Fragment of Pining is a documentary film that tells the true story of the struggle of the Pining community in preserving the Leuser forest from the threat of galena mining. The film is directed by a young director, Dara. Through this film, Dara aims to raise awareness of the importance of preserving the environment and local wisdom.

The film takes the point of view of Aman Jarum, a Pining indigenous community leader who leads the resistance against galena mining. Dara describes how close the relationship is between the Pining community and nature, and how they defend these values ​​from the threat of exploitative industries.

In this film, we can see how the Pining community fights to preserve their land from galena mining that damages the environment. They protest and fight for their rights through legal channels. In addition, the film also portrays the beauty of the Leuser forest and how important it is to preserve it.

Fragment of Pining is an inspiring film that delivers a powerful message about the importance of preserving the environment and local wisdom. For those who care about the environment and the sustainability of the earth, this film is a must-see. Don’t miss the opportunity to watch this film and join the struggle to preserve our environment.

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