Based on the results of the plenary meeting of the Selection Committee for Candidates for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI 2022-2025 Implementation Team on August 11, 2022, we as a result of this announce the names that have passed the administrative selection, which as follows:

No Name Gender Position
1 Agung Budiono Male Senior Strategist Yayasan Indonesia Cerah
2 Astrid Debora Meliala Female Senior Researcher – ICEL
3 Dwi Arie Santo Male SOMASI NTB Coordinator
4 Evan Saepul Rohman Male INFEST Advocate
5 Ibrahim Zuhdhi Badoh Male Director of Nara Integrita Indonesia
6 Irendra Radjawali Male Scholar Activist
7 R. Mouna Wasef Female Head of Division PWYP Indonesia
8 Rocky Ramadani Male Excecutive Director of Pijar Melayu
9 Yusnita Ike Christanti Female Female Activist for Natural Resources Sector Governance

From now on, referred to as prospective candidates, the names declared to have passed the administrative selection mentioned above will follow the next selection stage, namely an in-depth discussion with the Panelist Team, which will be held online on August 25-26, 2022.

Regarding the technical implementation of in-depth discussions and voting, the Election Committee will submit a written invitation to each prospective community representative in the EITI Implementation Team for 2022 – 2025.

The decision of the Selection Committee for Candidates for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Implementation Team for the 2022 – 2025 period cannot be contested.

Jakarta, August 11, 2022

Election Committee for Civil Society Representative Candidates in the EITI Implementation Team 2022 – 2025


Yani Taufik
