Based on the results of the meeting of the Committee for the Selection of Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Implementation Team 2022 – 2025 on October 12, 2022, we at this moment announce the names of civil society organizations other than members of the Indonesian PWYP coalition that have passed the verification of prospective voters, which are as follows:

  • Balang Institute
  • Gerakan Berantas Korupsi (Gebrak) Brebes
  • Jaringan Rakyat Anti Korupsi (Jarak) Bandung
  • ICW
  • LBH Samarinda
  • Lembaga Hijau Lestari Celebes (LHLC)
  • Lingkar Hijau
  • Lembaga Pemberdayaan Ekonomi dan Sosial Masyarakat (LPESM)
  • Medialink
  • Pakativa
  • Pattiro Semarang
  • Perkumpulan Tanah Air (Peta)
  • Perserikatan Petani Sulawesi Selatan (PPSS)
  • Pijar Melayu
  • Spora Institute
  • Sumsel Watch
  • Tangtudibuana
  • Walhi Lampung
  • WALHI Kaltim
  • Walhi Sumsel
  • Yayasan Keadilan Rakyat Jambi (YKR)

The names of organizations that are declared to have passed the verification of the prospective voters mentioned above are now referred to as voters with voting rights, as members of the PWYP Indonesia coalition who are permanent voters. Henceforth, the voters will follow the next selection stage, namely voting in determining three (3) civil society representatives in the EITI Implementation Team 2022-20225. The voting process will occur from October 13 – October 20, 2022.

The decision of the Selection Committee for Candidates for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Implementation Team for the 2022 – 2025 period cannot be contested.

Jakarta, October 13, 2022,

Election Committee for Civil Society Representatives in the EITI Implementation Team for the 2022 – 2025 period


Yani Taufik
