The Indonesian government’s commitment to eradicate corruption is contained in Inpres No. 7/2015 and Presidential Instruction no. 10/2016 concerning Actions to Prevent and Eradicate Corruption. How far has the performance of the eradication of corruption gone?

On the other hand, the existence of a National Movement to Save Natural Resources that encourages the improvement of natural resource management, especially forests and gardens, is a momentum to improve this sector.

This position paper was prepared by a coalition of civil society in Sumatra that focuses on forest sector and plantation sector governance in the 5th series of Indonesia Anti Corruption Forum activities in Riau (22-23 Nov 2016). A number of recommendations for the central and regional governments produced are expected to be input in the improvement of this sector.

In Publication, Brief & Profil | PWYP Indonesia | December 1st, 2016
