
Ngelikke kanthi tan samar

Dhawuhe Presiden kita Jokowi

Mring jengandinka Gubernur

Kang kapurih nindakna

KLHS ingkang wus rampung kasusun

Mrih lestarining lingkungan

Sumber pangan tumrap sami

We are people who live around the karst landscape of the Kendeng Mountains, which within the administrative boundaries of Central Java Province include Pati, Rembang, Grobogan, and Blora Regencies.

Whereas based on its function and area, the Kendeng Mountains are an inseparable unit by administrative boundaries.

If there is a critical condition in the form of a real threat to the function and environmental area of the Kendeng Mountains in one or several places, this will also have an impact on the function system and the Kendeng Mountains area in one unit.

SUPERSEMAR dated March 11 2019 means “Super Soko Semar Letter” to the Provincial Government (Pemprov) of Central Java.

SUPERSEMAR is different from SUPERSEMAR in 1966 era whose clarity is still mysterious. SUPERSEMAR we mean is a reminder letter to the Central Java Provincial Government to immediately implement the results of the Kendeng Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS) recommendation which was clearly instructed by President Joko Widodo on August 2, 2016 ago. The President of the Republic of Indonesia has ordered the implementation of a Strategic Environmental Assessment (KLHS), as regulated in:

  1. PANCASILA, precepts 5,
  2. Article 33 paragraphs 3 and 4 of the 1945 Constitution,
  3. Article 1 of Law number 32 of 2009 concerning Protection and Management of the Environment in conjunction with Government Regulation Number 46 of 2016 concerning Procedures for Implementing Strategic Environmental Studies.

Whereas gradually, the KLHS of the Sustainable Kendeng Mountains has been completed, namely stage I in April 2017, and stage II in December 2017 by a team formed by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry of the Republic of Indonesia, and a team of testing and quality assurance, documentation, and validation formed by the KSP Presidential Staff Office.

Whereas in the result, the KLHS for the Sustainable Kendeng Mountains provided recommendations for improving the Program Plan Policy (KRP) (attached).

The points of agreement when JM-PPK met with President Joko Widodo were:

  1. It is necessary to immediately make an analysis of the carrying capacity and capacity of the Kendeng Mountains through KLHS.
  2. The implementation of KLHS will be coordinated by KSP (Chief of Presidential Staff) considering that the Kendeng problem is cross-ministerial and cross-regional.
  3. In the implementation of KLHS, the Ministry of Environment and Forestry is the Chair of the Steering Committee.
  4. During the KLHS process which will be carried out for 1 year, all permits are terminated.
  5. The government guarantees a healthy multi-stakeholder dialogue / deliberation process during the SEA process.

KLHS which is ordered by the President on the basis of the Republic of Indonesia must be OBEYED and CARRIED OUT. Because this concerns the future fate of this nation’s children and grandchildren. Until now, JM-PPK’s former members are still committed to fighting for the preservation of NATURAL RESOURCES which are continuously being destroyed. The issue of natural resource conflicts in this country should not be ignored.

The presence of Semar’s figure as the PAMOMONG of the respected kings of Java. Because he always gives wise advice. In order to listen to the voice of the LITTLE PEOPLE he leads so that the people will prosper and prosper. Thus it is very important that SEMAR is present to remind the GOVERNOR as the LEADER of Central Java to really carry out clear orders to protect the environment and not to issue mining permits anymore by referring to the results of KLHS.

The results of the KLHS Phase One and Stage Two that have been completed are as follows:

First Stage Recommendations

Decided that CAT Watuputih Rembang Regency meets the criteria to be designated as a Karst Landscape Area (KBAK) as a Geological Protected Area. In addition, limestone mining in the Watuputih CAT area is estimated to cause high economic costs / losses of at least 3.2 trillion per year from environmental services.

KLHS phase I has recommended that CAT Watuputih Rembang Regency and its surroundings be designated as a protected area and the process of determining the KBAK is carried out; revise the RTRWK KRP, Central Java RTRWP to the RTRWN.

Second Stage Recommendations

The improvement of the KRP, where the results of the study show that the Kendeng Mountains ecosystem is now at a critical point that can threaten its sustainability. The results of the study also show that the policies and steps taken by the Government as well as the Provincial and District Governments are not effective enough to control or cope with the deteriorating carrying capacity of the environment. Therefore, it is deemed important to take immediate, concrete, well-planned and systematic steps to prevent further deterioration of the Kendeng Mountains ecosystem.

General Recommendations:

  • Changing the policies contained in the National RTR, which originally designated the Juwana, Jepara, Kudus, Pati, Rembang and Blora areas in Central Java, as Wanarakuti Mainstay Areas with leading sectors including mining; become a Wanarakuti Mainstay Area with an orientation to the leading sectors of cultivation and conservation.
  • Changing the policy orientation for the Kendeng Utara Mountains area in Grobogan, Blora, Rembang, Pati and Kudus Districts; which was originally directed as an area designated for mining (as contained in the RTRW of Central Java Province Article 80); this is not in accordance with the carrying capacity and capacity of the environment at Kendeng Area. The existence of mining activities does not make the economy sustainable, it will be more economical in the Kendeng area. Its allotment is emphasized on the sustainable agriculture and tourism sectors so that it will remain sustainable until the next generation of children and grandchildren.
  • SKPD can no longer decide policies and programs and activities individually, even though they are already in accordance with their main duties and functions, but need to pay attention to the impact on the achievements of other SKPD. Now Bappenas and other Ministries / Agencies are preparing a Presidential Regulation which can serve as a reference for the integration mechanism of the three development targets. (economic growth, controlling environmental damage and pollution, as well as preventing the increase of the poor).
  • Immediately integrate the results of KLHS Kendeng Mountains Phase I and II into the RTRW KRP.
  • Controlling and / or implementing a moratorium on the granting of permits, law enforcement for illegal natural resource extraction (for example, illegal mining of limestone, illegal extraction of deep ground water, or illegal exploitation of springs).
  • It is recommended that a special team should be formed which apart from moving to monitor and supervise spatial control, also moves to tackle illegal businesses in mining and forestry. This dedicated team carries out legal (litigation) and / or non-litigation actions, using a multi-doors approach. These programs and activities should be included in the RPJMD of each province and district.
  • It is recommended that a system that can manage licensing information (such as an online system) is recommended, including opening this system to the general public (public) in accordance with Law No. 14 of 2008 on Openness of Public Information.
  • Given that repairing and restoring the Kendeng Mountains ecosystem is basically not just a technical problem; then socio-cultural factors such as social values, norms, traditions, social structure factors, and even local knowledge are important factors that must be considered and become guidelines, as well as orientation for environmental rehabilitation of the Kendeng Mountains.
