The principle of openness in running the government is needed to realize a participatory government where people can actively participate in overseeing policy implementation. To support this, the Government of Indonesia has committed to use the principle of public information disclosure, which is shown through Law No. 14/2008. Moreover, Indonesia had participated in Open Government Partnership (OGP) which has 78-member countries which Indonesia is one of the pioneers of OGP, as well as Presidential Decree No.39/2019 on Satu Data (One Data) Indonesia.
Dr. Ir. Taufik Hanafi, MUP, deputy of the Monitoring, Evaluation and Development of The Ministry of National Development Planning/Bappenas stated that “evidence-based policy is a must, Public wants to know how policy is prepared. A developed country is having a greater task to make a detailed accountability report which is every one cent of public spending should have accountability”. This was conveyed at a Public Discussion titled Implementation of One Data Policy in Encouraging Open Government which held by the collaboration of PWYP Indonesia with Secretariat of Open Government Indonesia (OGI) in Jakarta, February 25, 2020.
Taufik Hanafi as the keynote speaker in the discussion explained that Indonesia is the type of country that opens to data. It was shown through “Esther Duflo, The Nobel Prize winner for the economy in 2010, took Indonesia as the location of her research and she took a lot of data from Bappenas and BPS. This shows that Indonesia is open to data especially for research/study purposes”, he said.
Taufik Hanafi also said that “One data policy could not stand alone. The purpose of one data is to support good RPJMN. The process is starting with preparation, planning, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation. It is all inseparable from one data and one map,” said Taufik.
One data shows the importance of quality and credible information that is easily accessible to the public. One of the things that are regulated in one data is data governance. Some important principles in one-data are there must be a data standard, metadata, and data interoperability (data can be shared among other institutions). Also besides, standardization of data is crucial, so in the future, capacity building is needed not only for the government but also for non-governmental organization to produce more accurate data.
Maharani Putri from the national secretariat of OGI, revealed several examples of good open government practices in several countries. For example, Brazil and South Korea. “In Brazil, community participation has an impact on reducing infant mortality and improving sanitation services. While in South Korea, the implementation of an online assessment menu on PAM water consumption has caused water consumption to rise 20% due to increased public confidence in water companies”. In addition, according to her, local governments are also already aware enough about one-data. “One of the commitments to open government, Indonesia is doing pilot projects about open government in five provinces, District/City, namely Bojonegoro, Aceh, DKI Jakarta, Bandung, and Semarang. The actions that have been carried out relating to open data which aim to strengthen public service, increase information disclosure and strengthen data governance. The government will continue to encourage open government practices at national and sub national levels, “she said.
At the end of 2019, the Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) received an award as an Informative Public Agency from Central Information Commission because it was considered to have successfully provided information to the public transparently related to programs and strategic policies in the marine and fisheries sector to the public.
Rennisca Ray Damayanti, Head of Statistics Data – Pusdatin KKP who was also present as speaker in this public discussion said that “public data and information in the marine and fisheries sector are prepared based on data standard principles. For example, the units in the questionnaire must be zero different, data are equipped with metadata standard, meets the principle of interoperability and uses reference codes and/or master data. This data is useful for data alignment in the marine and fisheries sector like data about the origin of fishing or fish export destinations. On the other hand, the KKP also rationalized the data collection system by simplifying the amount of application from previously having 299 now to 19 applications. Effective steps and achievements were obtained by the KKP because it had built one-data even before enactment related presidential regulation.
In the public discussion, Agus Cahyono Adi, the Head of Pusdatin of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM), familiarly called Mr. Aca, mentioned that “Leadership is needed to implement one data”. He said, “Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources also copied KKP applications such as e-performance and Budget Realization Monitoring Application (Amora). On the other hand, ESDM also has standard as a licensing application that has a business entity database like a company record, production report, and so on”.
Furthermore, he also stated that implementation one-data in ESDM had not yet been completed, because he thinks it is not easy to manage a large number of business entities ‘ESDM has introduced Single Source of Truth (SSOT), builds and sets where the data source is. If data is entered, we will verify it and if something goes wrong we returned. The purpose of that process is to synchronize data between the company and ESDM, and this time the data already synchronize. These benefits are related to accountability,” he concluded.
Maryati Abdullah as National Coordinator of PWYP Indonesia emphasized that the challenge of implementing One Data in Indonesia is how to carry out continuity and upgrade data that has a good impact on state revenue and also what we need to emphasized that the definition of a non-state actor is not the only NGO but it has wider scope including entrepreneurs that supposed to become a partner in developing this one-data policy.
In line with the implementation of open data, one-data and open government, Maryati continued, Indonesia must encourage the data protection act policy for preventing our private data as citizens misused by a certain party that related to data and information abused. Presidential regulation on One Data has provided institutionalization for evidence-based policy. This one-data and open government movement is a gate and a good platform from the collaboration between parties to support the achievement of sustainable development. (wc/ml)